Reconsider Clinical Excellence in the Digital era #DATA #PPA

May 22, 2024 | 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM


In France, Professional Practice Assessment (PPA) holds a central role in the healthcare system due to its integration within the framework of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This integration is regulated by laws that require all healthcare professionals to engage in continuous training and practice evaluation activities to ensure the ongoing improvement of care quality and safety. PPAs aim to enhance the quality of care by evaluating and aligning healthcare professionals' practices with current standards and recommendations. The evaluation methods can vary, including clinical audits, relevance reviews, and more complex processes such as problem-solving approaches and clinical reasoning (TCS). However, the implementation of PPAs faces significant challenges. Among these are resistance to change by professionals, time and resource constraints, and some reluctance to adopt standardized practices due to fears of losing professional autonomy. Moreover, there is a high demand for quality public health data, which is crucial for improving practices but often hindered by challenges related to data collection and analysis. In response to these challenges, tools like Kalanke can play a transformative role by offering digital solutions that facilitate the evaluation and monitoring of practices while integrating advanced AI-driven analyses to provide personalized feedback based on scientifically validated and up-to-date references (recommendations). Furthermore, Kalanke can help overcome the obstacles associated with adopting PPAs by simplifying processes and making evaluations less intrusive and more integrated into professionals' daily routines. The application also has the potential to serve as a bridge among various healthcare system stakeholders, including regulatory institutions, professional orders, scholarly societies, and pharmaceutical laboratories, by providing insights and data that can help improve health policies and research initiatives.

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