The Smart Rehab Model®: innovative design for SMR


Medical and rehabilitation care facilities (SMR, formerly SSR) are undergoing far-reaching changes: reform of authorizations, as yet uncertain changes to the funding model, a context of medical and paramedical shortages, while needs are increasing. As essential milestones in the patient's care pathway, they are involved in prevention, re-education and health education, upstream and downstream of 9 specialized care networks, for the rehabilitative management of the aftermath of acute episodes, as well as for chronic illnesses, particularly in neurology. Rich in a particularly large number of medical and paramedical disciplines, SMRs are complex organizational systems involving a multitude of healthcare professionals, in different spaces and with varied modalities, around a triptych of Accommodation, Day Hospital and Rehabilitation Technical Facilities. Despite being a major public health issue, the performance of SMRs is the poor relation of healthcare establishments in terms of guides, modeling, standards or operating guidelines. That's why APSIS Santé, NEURON REHAB and SOHO decided to pool their complementary experience and expertise to offer an innovative, holistic approach to SMR design. The Smart Rehab Model® is a design process that begins with the medical project, and aims to achieve excellence in architectural design and organizational efficiency. Focusing on rehabilitation, the approach is based on 4 pillars that underpin the architectural model: rehabilitative, multidisciplinary, connected, within and outside the walls. During this agora, Mazars, APSIS Santé Part of Mazars, NEURON REHAB and SOHO, will be presenting the following: - Review the essential role of RMS in tomorrow's healthcare system, given the care needs associated with chronic diseases, disabling health events and an aging population. In particular, it will show how they represent an essential link in secondary and tertiary prevention. - Present the approach and principles of the Smart Rehab Model®, the result of a joint project involving architects, PRM physicians, programmers and healthcare facility organization consultants.

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