Sophie KUNE


Chief Menopause Officer


Placed under artificial méńopause at the aĝe of 47, Sophie Kune, a digital strategy consultant, set herself the defí of her life: to understand méńopause so she could talk about it in complete serenity This is where her desire to share her knowledge and engage the conversation with all women on her Instagram account @menopause.stories launched on January 29, 2020, then to publish her book Méńopauseé et Libre! in 2021 with éd́itions Marabout. In 2023, she joined the #AllForMenopause collective made up of four gynéćologues and four women from civil societ́é. This collective is committed to éćlightening women and fights against the archét́ypes posś on this part of women's lives

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